Learning Swift, Pt 1

Since we’re stuck in quarantine, I’ve decided to start learning Swift and do an iOS project. I’ve never really done any iOS development, so this is mostly unordered thoughts and musings.

App goal:

  • Get iOS photo library and upload it to S3.

Stretch Goals:

  • Include EXIF and machine learning tags

Swift Thoughts:

  • On initial contact, Swift looks a lot like Python, which I like.
  • XCode and its depenencies take forever to install
  • iOS doesn’t give you much “for free”, compared to web tools.
  • Apple has a pretty good demo app of the beginning of what I want, but not much for next steps.
  • Somehow, Visual Studio Code got itself horked to the point my computer needed a reboot. That’s unusual.
  • Pod and Carthage assume a level of familiarity with the ecosystem that I don’t have. This is probably a problem for all programming languages.
  • I’ve been using Swift Programming Guide, which seems pretty good.
