
I started a new job this week at Universe. They have an iOS app that allows you to build and host websites.

My first experience programming a computer was learning HTML, and I still find the ability to edit, instantly reload and see your changes, then publish workflow unmatched, and incredibly satisfying. As Facebook and Google and the like have taken over the web, we’ve lost a little bit of that magic, both on the hosting side and on the ease of use side.

One of the things I really liked about the Universe app is that it makes building and hosting websites easy. This is one of the things I’ve been passionate about for a long time, especially working at Donuts, and I’m excited to work for something in this space. Also, the design sense of the app is really nice, I like the grid-based UI. Everybody on the team I’ve talked to seems both very nice and excited about the mission. It’s fun to see.
