1. ElasticSearch vs …

    We use ElasticSearch pretty heavily at work, and while there’s a few scenarios that it’s proven good at, it’s mostly become a swear word around the office.

    Reasons ElasticSearch Is Frustrating

    1. Writes are really, really slow

    Wrting data to elasticsearch is a synchronous operation. So if …

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  2. Free Grill

    After cleaning the patio yesterday, we put our old grill out on the curb with a free sign. After an hour it was gone.

    Today, the grill mysteriously came back.

    I think the only logical explanation is that our grill was involved in a heist, and needed to come out …

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  3. French Baguettes

    This is the second time I’ve made French bread using a pre-ferment (pâte fermentée) which is similar to a sour dough starter but a little less work. Essentially you make half the dough the night before and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you mix it …

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  4. Slow Swift Progress

    Got some time to work on my iOS app today, and made some decent progress. I’ve currently got a task that will read through the photo library and call an HTTP endpoint with the response. It also has the beginnings of a storage mechanism with sqlite.

    I like XCode …

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  5. Spring Flowers

    One of the nice things about being quarantined in spring is starting to watch the flowers bloom around us. My wife is much more of a flower person than I am, but it’s still been nice to see the trees and flowers start to bloom on our walks. Gives …

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  6. Learning Swift, Pt 1

    Since we’re stuck in quarantine, I’ve decided to start learning Swift and do an iOS project. I’ve never really done any iOS development, so this is mostly unordered thoughts and musings.

    App goal:

    • Get iOS photo library and upload it to S3.

    Stretch Goals:

    • Include EXIF and …
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  7. JoCo Cruise 2020

    JoCO 2020 was a blast, but the looming nature of the COVID crisis really made it tough to get a good party on. We went into quarantine as soon as we got back, and were one of the last cruise ships to leave port.

    The caves in the Dominican Republic …

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  8. Washington, DC

    My wife needed to go to Washington DC for work, and I went with her. Since she was at a conference during the day and I was at a coffee shop having a very busy week at work, we mostly explored the city at night.

    Last time I was in …

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  9. Vienna

    We didn’t have a lot of time in Vienna - mostly an extended layover - but managed to make the most out of it. Primarily we wanted to see the Belvedere Museum, especially the Klimt exhibit, and it was worth the stop.

    The Belvedere palace has some astounding grounds, even in …

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  10. Cyprus

    We visited our friends Chris & Jennifer in Cyprus over New Year’s, and got to see quite a lot of the country.

    Similar to Turkey, Cyprus is a country that has been a crossroads of the world for a long time. There’s tons of old buildings, churches, archeological sites …

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  11. Munich

    We went to Europe over the holidays, and our first stop was Munich for the Christmas markets. We spent about three days there, and it was a fantastic way to start the trip.

    Since we mostly wanted to visit the Christmas markets, we got a hotel right nearby and could …

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  12. Dancing Links Sudoku

    One of the first projects I did when I started learning python was building a solver for sudoku.

    Empty board:
    Completed board:

    This is a pretty well understood space, which made it a nice learning project. The two styles of computer sudoku solvers are depth-first searches or ones that attempt …

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